About fdmt



"All children learn differently, and our goal is to help them develop to their full potential! Since 2002, we have been committed to providing you with resources, innovative, educational, fun games and material, as well as quality sensory tools.

Today, we are proud to offer over 1,500 products. We are your allies during great challenges and your accomplices in times of shared happiness. 

The birth of our manimo: our weighted companions was the starting point of this great adventure. It was during a family dinner, while pregnant, that my father and I thought of the idea that would change my life and the lives of thousands of families around the world. At this same moment, an occupational therapist specializing in sensory integration, shared the difficulty in finding specialized equipment for her practice. 

We have seen and listened to professionals' needs... We understood parents. We acted! At that time, I was very far from imagining that my daughter Anaïs would be the first to benefit from fun and attractive tools. She turned out to have special needs, sensory modulation disturbances, ASD, dyslexia, and dysorthography. 

The sensory tools we have created have built our internal brand. Since then, weighted lizards, snakes, frogs, dolphins, turtles, cats and dogs have enriched the daily lives of thousands of children and adults. 

In addition, our strength lies in a dynamic, attentive and committed team. Remarkable individuals put their talents to work to provide you with exceptional service that you deserve. Mothers and fathers understand your needs, educators enrich your experience, and caring counselors are there for you! The company's mission lies in its name!"


fdmt: Fostering the maximum development of all by significantly contributing to the sensory well-being of individuals. 

 ( translated from French " favoriser le  développement  maximal de  tous",  fdmt)


Signature Karine_pas de fond

Karine Gagner, President - General Manager